This activity we had to write 5 rules people should follow when you are online
I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 12 and my teacher is Mr. Nikiforuk.
Friday, 13 December 2019
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Monday, 9 December 2019
Activity 3: Big Friendly Giants
Photo comes from:Link
(Drawing coming soon)
(Drawing coming soon)
Blog post,
Summer learning journey
Activity 1: New Zealand Royalty
Photo comes from:
This blog post is a teaser for Summer Learning Journey program that will be happening soon.
Blog post,
Summer learning journey
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Acrostic poems
When I was writing these I was thinking about the thign or person to know what it/they do.
I made sure that all the answers were real.
What did you find difficult about writing this poem?
Nothing really just finding words to describe the thing
What stratagies did you use to determine the word/setences to use?
I searched on google about words
Where do you think acrostic poems could be useful?
When your describing something or someone
Would you suggest acrostic poems to the younger students? Why or why not?
Sure, It could help them describe how they feel about someone or something
acrostic poem,
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Google Earth
Out teacher gave us a assignment to do and we had to
find landmarks in glen innes and answer questions about it.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Monday, 14 October 2019
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Google Earth
The White House
Would I Like to visit?
No, Because I just wouldnt want to waste money to go there so yeah
No, Because I just wouldnt want to waste money to go there so yeah
Is this a place where you are regularly?
The white house is in Washington, Dc
If you go on google earth then you can go inside the white house.
Have fun :)
If you go on google earth then you can go inside the white house.
Have fun :)
Google Earth,
Room 12,
The white house
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Monday, 9 September 2019
My Spirit Animal

If I was a spirit animal for a day i would choose a tiger.
Why? Unlike most big cats, tigers are powerful swimmers and have been known to swim great distances to hunt or cross rivers. Young tigers often play in water and adults will lounge in streams or lakes to stay cool during the heat of the day.
Tigers are good at hunting, Once they find something to hunt they have a 88% chance of catching them everytime.They're integral to the health of the ecosystems in which they live. As apex predators, they keep prey species under control. This protects the vegetation which in turn maintains the integrity of streams, forests and croplands that provide people around the world with clean air, water, food and financial benefits.
Tigers are good at hunting, Once they find something to hunt they have a 88% chance of catching them everytime.They're integral to the health of the ecosystems in which they live. As apex predators, they keep prey species under control. This protects the vegetation which in turn maintains the integrity of streams, forests and croplands that provide people around the world with clean air, water, food and financial benefits.
Monday, 2 September 2019

In class we learn which volcanoes are active, dormant or Dead.
For Example The volcanoes below are either Dead,Active or Dormant.
For Example The volcanoes below are either Dead,Active or Dormant.
Mount Eden ~ Maungawhau ~ Dormant/Dead
One Tree Hill ~ Maungakiekie ~ Dormant
Mount Victoria ~ Maungauika ~ Dormant
Mangere Mountain ~ Te Pane o Mataoho ~ Dorman
Mount wellington ~ Maungarei ~ Dormant
Bloody Sky ~ Rangitoto ~ Active
Auckland Domain ~ Pukekawa ~ Dormant
Three Kings ~ Te Tātua-a-Riukiuta volcano ~ Dormant/Dead
Brown Island ~ Motukorea ~ Dormant
Mount hobson ~ Ōhinerau ~ Dormant
McLaughlins Mountain ~ Matukutūreia ~ Dead
Mount Albert ~ Ōwairaka or Te Puke-o-Ruarangi ~ Dormant
Mount Roskill ~ Puketāpapa ~ Dormant
Mount Richmond ~ Otahuhu ~ Dormant
Mount Saint Johns ~ Te Kōpuke or Tītīkōpuke ~ Dormant
Green Hill ~ Matanginui ~Dormant/Dead
Hampton Park ~ Dormant
Weekes Island ~ Puketutu ~ Dormant
Crater Hill ~ Dormant
Taylors Hill ~ Taurere ~ Dormant
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Fun Run Donations!
Hello! We are now in Term 3.
Since our school is sponsored by kids can that means we have to do something called a fun run.
Which means we are now asking for donations and sponsors.
Any amount will do and I guarantee you that these donations will go towards Kids can and the students running.
Since our school is sponsored by kids can that means we have to do something called a fun run.
Which means we are now asking for donations and sponsors.
Any amount will do and I guarantee you that these donations will go towards Kids can and the students running.
If you would like to donate to me Please click on the link below.
Have a great day/night 😁
Link 👇

Fun run,
Term 3
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Public Or Private
Keeping your private information offline is for your safety because you never know who checks it.There might be a stalker or someone online that might stalk you.Keeping private information locked away is good so don't share your private information.
Remember to keep safe and don't share private information.
Blog post,
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Tech {{Last Week of cooking}}
|Chocolate Muffins|
Step 1- 1 1/2 c of SRF, 1/4 of cocoa
2-1/2c of sugar
3-1/2c of milk
4-1/2c of oil
5-1 egg
6-Mix well and drop 1 tbsp of mixture into the muffin tin
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Tech {{Week 11}}
Chicken Wrap
1-Slice your vegetables
(carrats,cucumber,tomato,lettuce and add chicken and mayo)
And your done!
Ty for reading!
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Manaiakalani Learner Questionnaire
What I liked? Hm I don't really know what I like about this survey
Which question was tricky? None of them tbh
They should of asked Where do you place your chromebook when you are charging it.
Hm I should be rewarded with Pizza,Chocolate or Doughnuts
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Tech {{Week 10}}
This week we madeeeeeee Cottage pie! Keep reading to know the ingredients!
Step 1- Peel the potato and boil until it is soft
-Mash with Potato masher
2- Fry the mince with vegetable 180c
-put the mince into the tin foil pie bowl
top up with cheese and the potato
-Bake for 15 minutes
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Nappy Expirement (Crazy Idea)
Yesterday we did some science but we did it with a nappy and it was so much fun because afterwards we had a snow fight well kinda we just started chucking the gel looking snow thing at each other.
Yeah Crazy lol
Thanks for reading tho
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Tech {{Week 9}}
Today we made Potato salad with ham and egg.
Step 1- Boil the water
2-Peel the potatoes
and slice into pieces
3-boil the potatoes until it is soft,boil the eggs
4-Dice the ham
5-Drain the potatoes..mix together with ham and egg,onion,carrot and salt
and this is what it looks like
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Anzac Day art
Today we did Art for Anzac Day..I did a soldier by a cross because that could be there family or friend and to hey are sad.I think I did pretty good but it’s up to you 😁 Idk if I did good but you can comment and tell me if I did or what I can work on 😋
Thanks for reading 😇
Science Inqiury

In The Holdays As everyone was enjoying the holidays..Mr Raj and other teachers from the seniors got to meet up to make sure we are ready to learn.Mr Raj chose a small Solar System for us to learn about space and the planets that are in space.It was alright tbh but maybe one day..One of us could be a astronaut?
Anyways Thanks for reading (:
Have a great day!
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Tech {Week 8}
Roast Chicken with Indian Sauce
Step 1- Dice the onion and fry until it is soft
2- Add chicken and Fry for 5 minutes
3- Add the sauce and simmer (Low heat) for 15 minutes
Last Tech of the Term! More coming next term (For cooking) (:
Thanks for reading and I hope you make this to! Byeeee
Thanks for reading and I hope you make this to! Byeeee
Thursday, 4 April 2019
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Tech {Week 7}
We made chocolate muffins again and this time it was more better (:
Step 1-and 1/2c of flour
-1/2c of sugar, 1/4c of Cocoa
- 1/2c of oil
-1 c of milk
- 1 egg
Step 2- Mix welll
- Bake 180c 20 mins
Thanks for reading
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Hello Ayesha! (:
Hello Ayesha, I'm Coree and Welcome to my blog!
My blog is fulled of weird and qwuirky stuff so yeah Don't judge.
I'm In Auckland, North Island of New zealand.I'm located in the East of Auckland In Glen Innes.
Our School is fulled with weird and funny people so If you ever come to our school just beware not to annoy anyone or they will hate you lol.
Alright This is a short blog cause you can just read my featured post if you need to know more.
Alrighty Cyaaaaa
Blog Partner,
Blog post,
Grey Main School,
Totara 3
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Tech {Week 6}
Step (1)
-Soak vermiceli with hot water
-Soak vermiceli with hot water
(2) Slice vegetables
Carrot-Peel and slice
Once the vermiceli is cooked and the vegetables are mixed them together and put soy sauce and spices.
Sunday, 17 March 2019
One of New Zealands Darkest Day

On Friday 15th was one of the worst days New Zealand has ever gone through.
Family and Friends were left in shock from the shooting.
49 people are now found dead and more then 100 people were taken to hospital.
The man that fired the shooting is a Australian man and he also recorded the whole thing live..The people who watched the live were left SHOOK and couldn't say a word but..nothing.
The Shooting was in christchurch one of the cities that have already dealed with enough.
Even a 4y.o girl is stuck in starship hospital due to the fact that one dumb man decided that he wanted to ruin our day.
New Zealand is still left in shock...If you are the shooter I hope you understand that you are one of the worst men alive.I hope live the worst life ever.
My Ibf (Internet Bff) Lives there and if you dear hurt her I will hunt you down and you will never see the light of day ever again.
For more information:
Watch these videos:
To make things better watch these Bikers do a emotional haka for the mosque:
Thank you so much for reading this!
Shoutout: News Hub,Tvnz,Abc News etc...
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Tech {{Week 5}}
Mhmmmm Today we Made Chocolate Muffins
How to make it:
Step 1 and 1/2c of flour
-1/2c of sugar, 1/4c of Cocoa
- 1/2c of oil
-1 c of milk
- 1 egg
Step 2- Mix welll
- Bake 180c 20 mins
The chocolate muffins look and smell nice
Monday, 11 March 2019
Heaven and Hell
Hmm...Have you ever thought about after life? If you have then you like me and if you haven't then your quite weird (No offence).
Heaven is known as a place where good people go (Guess im not going there)
God and Jesus is something the associates with heaven.
Heaven is a place where god and jesus and the angels are.
If you end up in heaven Idk if you stay there but you might get reborn in a new family and new area and you will forget the life you had before.I have thought about that for a long time and always wondered if people would remember there friends.
Hell is known as the devild place aka satan's place.
Hell is a place for cruel and bad people who have either killed themself or done something really really bad that jesus didn't like.Satan is known for being a angel that betraded God or Jesus im really unsure.If you end up in hell you burn for the rest of the be good
Thanks for ready my alright blog post (:
I did this for homework so Mr.Raj if you are reading this can you comment if it is good and what I need to work on?
I did this for homework so Mr.Raj if you are reading this can you comment if it is good and what I need to work on?
K byeeee (:
Blog post,
Heaven and hell,
All About me (Update) 2k19
Hello, I’m Coree and I’m a Year 7 attending Glen Taylor School. I’m Maori and I’m a very Weird and Quirky person and Have 2 goals.Learn My Times Tables off by heart and try to overcome my fears.I have 4 Sisters and a Mum and Dad.My role model is Mr Raj cause he teaches us new things and makes it fun.I’m Not that confident when talking to people but once I get to know them I’m not scared to talk to them.
I enjoy playing Basketball because I played it with my sisters when I was younger and It was so Much fun I even have a video tape of me playing basketball .My Most Hardest challenges are Being scared of talking to people and Being scared to be me in public.My Goals for this year is to Improve in ALL my learning areas before I leave Glen Taylor School.
I am Looking forward to see how far I get in my learning area.I have achieved finding good friends who accept me for who I am.A person who inspires me is Mr Raj because he encourages people to learn and makes things fun.
I need to not give up on what I want to do and need to keep on drawing to try and get good at it because if I don’t i’ll never achieve my goal and might become someone that i never wanted to be.
Sunday, 10 March 2019
Tech {Week 4}
Today in tech we made macaroni cheese It was pretty goooddd soo yeah..Heres the ingredients:
Step 1: Boil your macaroni
with 2 cups of water
until it's soft
-Drain with the strainer
Step 2- Making you white sauce-Dice and slice your onion and fry
-Add 1/2c of flour,stir flour
5 mins
-Add 2 cups of milk and stir
Try it at home with parent supervision!

Monday, 4 March 2019
Tech {Week 3}
Last week we had tech and we cooked food that i haven't had before it was pretty good tbh but it gave me a sore stomach which sucks.
Here is a photo of our food:
Looks good,Sounds good,Smells good
Ty for reading!
Byeeee <3
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Water Experiment!
In Room 12 we did a water experiment and it was quite fun if i'm being honest.
We actually made a sewing needle float on water! Like wth?
We actually made a sewing needle float on water! Like wth?
Water is the heaviest out of ALL of them dishwashing liquid will sink to the bottom because it mixes in with the water.
This is when we made the sewing needle float
Yesterday We made kites with our Buddy class Room 5. My buddy was Manha we already knew eachother so...Of course we were gonna be together.It was so funny when we were fying the kites but when we were making it it was quite hard cause it kept blowing away lol.
Leotina and Me were running and it was so funny cause she was screaming and running.
Here's some photo's:
I'm not in any photo's cause i hate photo's..
Fun run and Tennis!
Hello! Just a few weeks ago we had fun run and like 2 weeks or 1 week ago we did tennis...Fun run wasn't that fun but we had to do it.Tennis was fun and funny cause i keep hitting the ball to far lmao.
(Tennis if you didn't know)
(Fun Run)
Thursday, 21 February 2019
{Week 2} Technology
{Week 2} Technology
On wednesday we cooked silverside and potatoes and etc..
It was quite nice tbh but I wouldn't eat it at home..No one will eat it or cook it lol.
Here is proof:
Looks prety good (:
Sorry for a short blog post but...Atleast i posted!
Thanks for reading!
Baiii <3
Sunday, 17 February 2019
{Week 1} Technology
This year I'm In:Room 12
Every Wednesday I have Tech...Pretty fun. The first day was cool me and my partner made hot cakes and so did the rest of the class...His were a little burnt mine were alright a few were oddly shaped but that dosen't matter. We didn't get the photos at tech so i will show you how mine could of turnt out but didn't:

These pancakes are golden brown my pancakes were rather burnt or whiter (NOT BEING RACIST)
Well I hope the like first 2 weeks of school were great for you and I will keep you updated with how tech is going and how school is going!
Have a great day or night where ever you are!
(Sorry for late blog post)
Byeee <3
Friday, 25 January 2019
What makes Happiness?

What makes happiness?
Many people may think you have to be famous but no you can be happy in anyway like having good friends that make you laugh or a family that makes you laugh!
Being happy is good because you focus on the positive things not negitive.
Remember to stay positive and live life to success! <3
I hope you keep happy and love life!
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, 24 January 2019
Looks don't matter

Don't be afraid of who you are and how you look because none of that matters.You are you and you were born to be you.If someone has a problem with how you look they must not see the real world.
Many people think if you look a certain way you have a lot of friends and have no problems in life.
A lot of these people have many probkems because everyday they wake up they have to look a certain way.
I hope that people don't care what they look like because that dosen't matter all that matters is that your happy with who you are. Even Shane Dawson dosen't care about how he looks...He found friends that didn't care too! Everyone should be their own person.
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
On The Darkest Nights (Poem Written by: Me)
On the darkest Nights
The wind blows against your window
The dark feels like your all alone
The silence of night feels like fear
Your wondering if someone is there
Floor boards creaking
Maybe someones peeking
Maybe someones peeking
Cover your face
Door opens, You peak a little
Heart beats fast
Heart beats fast
Then you realise your father is there
Checking up on you to see if your ok
You fall back to sleep and noticed it was all just a dream
Written By Coree
(Thank you for reading maybe I should do more of this? comment down below <3)
Hello & Welcome

Hello and Welcome to my Blog!
It is Currently 8:17pm on Jan 23 when I am writing this.
Since I have finished summer learning journey
It is Currently 8:17pm on Jan 23 when I am writing this.
Since I have finished summer learning journey
I would like to take time to tell you about hygiene! (Nah jk that's to boring)
When I was on youtube I past a few things like Back to school videos,Slime videos and 1 star places videos! WHAT?!
I know what some people might think..Is this all your telling me but wait I have to say something!
I start school soon which means I'll be posting my first day of being year 7.
I start school soon which means I'll be posting my first day of being year 7.
I'll write stories of how the day was and How I felt and if I get bored of that maybe I'll post something mysterious!
A youtuber is coming out with conspiracy theories soon so I might tell you about that later!
A youtuber is coming out with conspiracy theories soon so I might tell you about that later!
If you know who I am talking about leave a comment down below and I'll reply :)
Thank you for reading! Don't believe everything you see! <3

Coming soon
Concluding Our Journey! ;)
Summer Learning Journey has sadly came to a end...
I hope you guys liked coming along with me :)
Let's answer some questions! :) <3
What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Journey programme this year?
I learnt that even when you are behind you can catch up Like I did and also I learnt new things about animals and pollution
What is one thing that surprised you?
That the main pollution comes fromt he things we use like cars,Motors etc..
What is one thing that concerned or upset you?
That kiwi's are being eaten by rats and stuff..
What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment?
We can plant more plants and trees to protect pollution and stuff :)
If you have any questions please tell me in the comments! <3
Thank you for coming along this journey with me! :) <3
Have a great year! <3
Summer learning journey
Adoption Day
Hi People,
Today's Blog Is the 2nd to last blog post of summer learning journey! :)
I hope you have been enjoying my blog post and learnt things :)
Not only can you help the planet by reducing, reusing and recycling, you can also help to save animals and plants by adopting them. To adopt an animal through the World Wildlife Fund you need to visit their adopt a species page, read through the list of animals and choose one.
With the WWF, you don’t actually adopt the animal and bring it home! It’s a symbolic adoption. In this case you pay a fee ($55.00) and the money is used to provide food and care for your chosen animal. Visit the WWF site and take a look at the animals who are available for adoption
Animals I have choosen:

These are all similar that they all hve fur (Well DUHH)
They are all native animals as well :)
They are all different because they can all do different things like Fly and bounce and kick
3 Animals I would like to adopt:

Summer learning journey
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