
Thursday 17 January 2019

Burning up!

In New Zealand It can get pretty hot during the summer (Pretty boring ain't it) It gets even more hotter in places like this  Dallol (Ethiopia), Dasht-e Loot (Iran), Tirat Zvi (Israel), Kabili (Tunisia) and Bandar-e Mahshahr (Iran). The hottest temperature on record in each place is: Dallol: 41oC; Dasht-e Loot: 71oC; Tirat Zvi: 54oC; Kabili: 55oC; Bandar-e Mahshahr: 51oC.

Here is my Graph:

Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Coree

    Your graph looks great. What programme did you use to make it?

    Can you imagine how it would feel to be in 71oC weather? It is so hot that I don't even think I can imagine it! What would you do to stay safe in that kind of weather and not over heat?

    Bye for now,
