
Wednesday 16 January 2019

Picture Perfect

In NEw ealand we have many different plces like waterfalls,Water holes,Pools and many more but in other countries they may of stepped it up a bit...Like in Canada,America and more..
Over the past few years people have started taking selfies and posting them on facebook and instagram. Do you ever take selfies? (Me personally I don't really but if it is for something yes...ok back to the blog)

(We now see a girl taking a selfie)
She must be taking it because it looks cool infront of all the buildings and the water because of how good the view is she must of thought yeah maybe I should hop in and take a photo with it.
She could also be thinking that since she is there she h to post a kinda good photo for the people looking at her instagram or something but yeah.This girl also looks like she is going to fall so if she falls and takes a photo it would be funny because her face would probably me smoshed.
It might go viral but that would be if she posted it...It might hurt but at least it become viral (*Cough cough* Not funny lol) She might be sending it to her friends to prove she is acually there and to show them how good the view is and that they should of been there with her but the didn't want to go cause they were to lazy (Lol).

Thank you for reading! ENjoy time with your family and make sure you behave :) <3

1 comment:

  1. Hi Coree,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team.

    Your description of what the girl might be thinking as she takes her photo is very good! Perhaps she couldn't resist the temptation of posting her photo and so she didn't mind taking the risk of standing on the edge of a balcony. I wonder what her mother thought, if she saw this selfie?

    I wouldn't love thinking that my daughter was standing on a balcony railing!!! And I hope you won't try this kind of thing!!

    But people do seem to love taking selfies, don't they, especially in special places.

    I hope you're getting lots of time outside in special places this summer and that you're enjoying these Summer Learning Journey activities.

    I'm enjoying reading your blog!


