
Thursday 17 January 2019

Faded Glory

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system..You can find it in the east coast of Australia.Over the past few years the corals have lot their colours and they lot it from tourist and cyclons...The Australian government is working to protect and preserve the reef. Each year they spend about $200 million dollars repairing and protecting the reef.I know that is alot of money but they need your help so that the reef can stay bright .

They could:
Go out into the public and ask people to fund raise to help
Go online and start a website and each person that signs up cn pay 10$ a month ro something or 5$
Make the tourist pay to see it?

On friday I may not post cause I am going somewhere but if I do come and comment and say Hi

Thank you for reading and...
Support the reef!


  1. Talofa Lava Coree,
    I like your description on the coral reef, it is so interesting to read. Well done for putting so much information into 1 post. I feel sad that the coral reefs are suddenly losing their colour, but we can help it if we donate. I like you ideas on how to fundraise. I especially like the one where it says, you have to pay to see it, because that seems so reasonable. Maybe next time you can add some pictures to make it more exciting.

    Happy Blogging
    Gargee HPS

  2. Hi Coree,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team.

    You've got some good ideas there as to how money could be raised to help protect the Great Barrier Reef.

    Having a Go-Fund-Me website is a way that many people are now raising money for worthy causes. And just putting out ads to let the public know about the problems being experienced on the Reef might bring in some money.

    Have you ever organized a fund raiser for anything yourself? I've helped with bake sales and with concerts in our small town. When there have been disasters, like a forest fire that happened out west last year, our local musicians have gotten together and offered a concert to raise money. It's a really inspiring experience.

    It sounds as though the Great Barrier Reef could use all of the help we can give. I'm glad that you've given it some thought! And I'll continue to enjoy reading your blog.


